
Grant Agreement Horizon 2020


Grant Agreement Horizon 2020: A Guide to Understanding the Key Terms

Horizon 2020 is the European Union`s flagship research and innovation program aimed at enhancing Europe`s global competitiveness. The program provides funding opportunities for research and innovation projects across various fields, including health, energy, environment, and ICT.

However, securing funding for your project is only half of the battle. Once you receive a grant from Horizon 2020, you will need to sign a Grant Agreement. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the grant and serves as a legally binding agreement between you and the European Commission.

In this article, we will explore the essential elements of the Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement to help you understand what it entails and what you need to know before signing it.

Scope of the Project

The Grant Agreement outlines the scope of the project and what it aims to achieve, including the project`s objectives, expected outcomes, and deliverables. It also outlines the project`s timeframe and expected milestones.

Budget and Funding

The Grant Agreement sets out the budget for the project and the funding provided by Horizon 2020. It also outlines the financial reporting requirements and the procedures for reimbursement of eligible costs.

Intellectual Property Rights

The Grant Agreement includes provisions regarding intellectual property rights (IPR) and the exploitation of the project`s results. It outlines the ownership of the project`s intellectual property, including patents, copyrights, and trademarks.

Open Access and Publication

Horizon 2020 requires that the results of the projects it funds be made available in open access as soon as possible. The Grant Agreement outlines the open access and publication requirements, including how and when the results should be made available to the public.

Ethics and Data Protection

The Grant Agreement includes provisions to ensure that the project`s research is conducted ethically and in compliance with data protection laws. It outlines the procedures for obtaining informed consent from research participants, protecting personal data, and ensuring data security.

Termination and Suspension

The Grant Agreement includes provisions for the termination or suspension of the project. It outlines the grounds for termination or suspension, the procedures to be followed, and the rights and obligations of the parties in the event of termination or suspension.


The Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement is a critical document that outlines the terms and conditions of the grant and serves as a legally binding agreement between you and the European Commission. It is important to understand the key terms and conditions before signing the agreement to ensure that you meet the requirements and receive the maximum benefit from the grant.

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