
Quasi Contract Is Also Called as


Quasi Contract is Also Known As – An Insight into This Legal Concept

Quasi contract, also known as implied-in-law contract, is an important legal concept that is often used in courtrooms across the world. Despite its importance, many people are still not familiar with what quasi contract is and its role in the legal system. In this article, we will delve into the topic and help you understand what quasi contract is, and why it is also known as other names.

What is Quasi Contract?

In simple terms, a quasi contract is a legal arrangement between two parties that is not based on an express agreement. In other words, it is an implied contract that is created by the law to prevent one party from being unjustly enriched at the expense of another.

Quasi contracts arise when one party receives a benefit from another party, and it would be unfair for the receiving party to keep that benefit without compensating the other party. This may happen, for example, when a person provides emergency medical care to someone who is unconscious and unable to consent. The medical provider did not have an agreement with the unconscious person to provide care, but the law recognizes that it would be unfair for the medical provider to go uncompensated for their services.

Why is Quasi Contract Known as Other Names?

While quasi contract is the most common name for this legal concept, it is also known by other names in different countries and legal systems. These names include:

1. Implied-in-Law Contract: This name emphasizes the fact that quasi contracts are created by the law rather than by an express agreement between the parties.

2. Constructive Contract: This name emphasizes the fact that quasi contracts are considered to be “constructed” by the law to prevent unjust enrichment.

3. Quantum Meruit: This is a Latin term that means “as much as he deserves.” It is used to refer to a quasi contract where one party has provided goods or services to another party and is seeking compensation for their work.

In conclusion, quasi contract is an important legal concept that helps prevent one party from being unjustly enriched at the expense of another. While it is known by various names in different legal systems, its fundamental purpose remains the same. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you have provided a benefit to someone else without an express agreement, remember that you may still have legal options available to seek compensation through the use of a quasi contract.