
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and World Trade Organization


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and World Trade Organization (WTO): A Brief Overview

In a globalized world, trade is an essential component of economic growth and development. However, trade can also create inequalities and imbalances between trading nations. To address these issues, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was created in 1947, which eventually led to the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995. Both GATT and WTO have played significant roles in shaping the global trading system and promoting free trade.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

GATT was a multilateral agreement signed by 23 countries in 1947, which aimed to reduce tariffs and other barriers to trade. It was intended to create a fair and open trading system that would boost economic growth and encourage cooperation between nations. The central principle of GATT was the principle of non-discrimination, which meant that all trading partners should receive the same treatment and that no country should be granted special privileges.

Over the years, GATT went through several rounds of negotiations, the most famous of which was the Uruguay Round. The Uruguay Round, which took place between 1986 and 1994, led to the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the signing of the Marrakesh Agreement.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization that oversees the global trading system. Its main objective is to promote free trade and provide a forum for negotiations and dispute settlement between member nations. WTO has 164 member countries, which account for more than 98% of the world`s trade.

WTO`s work is based on a set of agreements, including the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), and the Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs). The WTO also provides technical assistance and training to developing countries, helping them to participate more effectively in the global trading system.

The WTO`s dispute settlement system is one of its most important functions. It provides a forum for the settlement of trade disputes between member countries. This system allows for a peaceful resolution of trade disputes, avoiding the costly and damaging consequences of trade wars.


GATT and WTO have played a critical role in shaping the global trading system and promoting free trade. They have created a fair and open trading system, reduced trade barriers, and provided a forum for negotiations and dispute settlement. Despite criticisms of the WTO, it remains a crucial organization in promoting global economic growth and development. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the role of the WTO in ensuring a level playing field for all trading nations will only become more critical.